Thursday, September 15, 2011

saya gembire

saya sudah dpt lesen. alhamdulillah.semalam test jpj. takde la debar2 sgt mcm doulu2 tyme umo 17thn.da besar kot haha

de org pesan, jgn tggl driving. lepas ni kalo nk gi kedai pon request drive haha. betol2 sy setuju. kalo tggl drive, nnti kekok. cnth terdekat, kak lang. kak lang ialah adek sy no 3. dy lepas dpt lesen 2 years ago, dy tak continue drive, smpi skng pon tak berani drive. utk k.lang kalo baca entry ni, lepas ni kalo balek umah, cube2 la drive hehe

lepas lulus test smlm, rasa beban lifted from my shoulders. skng hny tggu surat 'cinta' posting dr kementerian kesihatan saje. tiap2 hari dok la kat umah ni tggu pak cik posmen. hadeh

hope for the best for the posting area. ameen

Sunday, September 11, 2011

tetibe rajen

tetibe je rajen nk singgah kat blog ni. de org da update kan serba sedikit pasal empunya blog, kalo anda-anda perasan 'about us' kat sebelah ni, kitorg da grad!!! alhamdulillah

lepas ni kitorg da nak masuk alam pekerjaan la pulak ecece..moga2 dipermudahkan. buat yg tgh baca entry ni, rmai2 mai tlg doakan sy (sykin skali kot) supaya posting kat area selangor or kl tau..ameen

tolong doakan jgk sy yg nk amek lesen rabu ni. moga dipermudah sekali lagi. ameen

right now, sy mmg tgk pokai habes..maklumla, penganggur berjaya hak2

that's all for now, till then, bye~

p/s:rindu pulak tibe2 tgk gmbr at previous entry
p/s2:utk rabiah, sy tny no awak kat paah, tp dy pon tatau..kontek sy kat facebook kalo awal baca entry ni 'farhana mohd noh'
p/s3:td pegi open house kat s.alam, tapi tuan rumahnye takde hehe..dpt duet raya..tq =P

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

banyak sudah berubah.

oo gosh da lame x mnapak disini.kecik ati blog diabaikan sebegini rupa.sorry blog saye suke twitter lg skarang.a lot da berubah.sgt bnyk.biggest change i am now no longer a STUDENT!ye bukn lg budk JUST atopon pmegang scholar JPA atopon dental student.saye da ade DEGREE.huruf bsar lmbang sush payah y kami hadapi nk genggam ijazah tu.(wlpon time grad x genggam scroll sbb die petak).ini juga bermkna da x payah nk sebok2 kecoh2 komplain psl joden dan y seangkatan dgnnye lg.

bnyk da brubah.

blk msia duduk ngn mk ayah.xboleh liar sgt..rse sgt tpelihara.ckop mkn pakai.wlpon jpa da xbg duet tp poket x kering..sayanng abah :D...lantas tros mls mahu bkrja cause its too much to handle compare to easy breezy life now..induksi jgn cpt sgt.nk raye pueh2 dolu..ok medical check up pn xbuek lg nk induksi pe bondo nye haa..adoiii

seyes mcm2 sudah tukar

bce blk entry lame2 tgh2 mlm ni rse dri sdikit matang.dolu asal tulis entry sume psl sushnye blaja.da hbs da poon weeiiiii.tharu.wlpon ad few entries y i cant really remember the feelings at that time,few people i dont really remember nowadays or i just dont want to,those were experiences.great or not.

kn da ckp a lot da brubah

ade y da nk jd bini org mcm org tu,ade y da nk ade lesen,ade y dah ade lesen btahun baru nk bwk kete,ade y xreti nk keep in touch dgn org len,ade y nk move on with new life n forget the past,ade mcm2 ade.sukeati den.

ye robe kami x cantik.

owh prasaan da blk msia.1 from all the things that i've been waiting to put wayyyyy behind.seriously.seronok.hrp tlg jgn sebok idop org lg.
tp sdikit sadis akibat rakan2 y sudah bkerja n hnye bcuti diujong minggu!

p/s:buat anda tlg jgn ckp anda suke saye skrg.nnt saye lari.ayat sgt seyes ni!!
p/s/s:esok tman org nk btunang shopping.
p/s/s/s:cepatla raye.mau jmp sume org.
p/s/s/s/s:ye smakin better at memaking kereta merah itu.saya sayang awak.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the baby is now 2 years old!!

hoo yeah 2years already pass since we both started this blog. 2 taon tp 100+ posts only,quite an achievement huh?

2 years. cpt je mse blalu.entry ini ditulis after we all took graduation pictures td. urghhh seeing all of u there smiling, my heart ache thinking after this there will be no more us. sume bz with kerje and own lives.time surely flies very fast.wlpon sume eksaited x sbr nk tinggalkn tmpt ni dan pulang ke tanah air but deep down i do love this where we met each other n grew much things y kite lalui bsame2..omaigod better stop thinking psl sume ni or i cant stop crying then.

p/s:owh final sem amat much stress till we can puke blood..
p/s/s:hepi birthday blog!!!
p/s/s/s:i'm officially broke starting today till end of april!money come2!!

oh am obsessed with this song right now!!! u just got to ignite the light~

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

some stories

only one week remains from the 6 weeks holiday. the past 5 weeks just like a wind. they blow past me. in instant.

it has been months since my last post here. well readers (if there is any), happy new year. 2011. a new year, a new beginning, new aims, new hopes and ultimately a new me (i hope).
tonight, is my last night of me being 22. tomorrow, i am 23. only a second that separates between them. i suppose, turning 23 should come with more responsibilities, maturity, and urging me to act as one. in the end, i am still me.

6th of february, the new term starts. our last semester here. do wish us the best of luck and we definitely need your prays. can i be an excellent dentist? a question worth to ponder and explore.

till then, wassalam