apekah y dimaksudkn dgn ketahanan mental?
adekah being able to tahan bile kene marah?
atau boley buat spt xde pape y jadi when u fail after working hard?
or when u feel dat sume keje keras x dhargai?
and bile u rse mcm u r the most stupidest person ever tp kene jgk move on?
urghh if yes i rather be with no perasaan at all.susahnye la blaja.bukan stakat membace je,nk kne please all the lecturers,buat sume keje kat patient betol2,blaja bahasa,sebok cari patient sini sane,uruskan duet ngn rumahtangga..fuh rse bnyk sgt beban ats kpale.mmg mcm bionic woman da.owh ni bukan mrungut tp mengsort out kn tnggungjawab2 y ade.
one of my arab fren ckp,she's already at her limit.but i just cant be at my limit now.more hurdles will come.more shit will i have to listen to.but im no supergirl(ala2 lagu super jr m).i too wanna be just a regular girl who cries bile kene marah.then people will come n comforting me.bg lollipop ke barbie ke nk pujuk.aaahhh i do wanna be little girl again!
in time like this i really need my people to be around me.i really miss them now..

p/s:jom give up dentistry n amik performing arts.boley jd pelakon!best2
p/s/s:now i officially hate prosthodontics.sekian