1stly congrats to our beloved amouni y da slmt diijabkabul raya ari2.sile la jd isteri solehah y mnjage kehormatan diri n suami ok! besar tanggunjawab tuu..
well along the process nk prepare her wedding mcm2 bnd dpt belajar n took into our small life guidance book.
1.TOLERANCE a simple word yet very sush utk diapply. well this is reality we have to face.not all people able to give in n tolerate.but what more interesting was that at the end of the day the moral we concluded was being too bertolak ansur in everything can be pretty tiring for both mental n body. grrr smpi bnyk la pahala2 free da terkorban bile mulut da merungut2..rugi2..seb baek Tuhan terus tegur,kalo x lg karung2 la dosa.
2.KAWEN.bak kate cik tembikai bila da smpi mse y ditetapkan insyAllah Allah bukak jln.smooth je sume2.selagi belum smpi mase tu la y rase susah je sume bende.btol2 i totally agree.so no need to rush things.jodoh n maut sume da ditentukan.but thing that fear me the most is b4 wedding.takot tjebak dgn cinta haram saje..waaaa!
3.its fun being around people u care n love.owh ni xdok kaitan dgn wedding tu.or maybe ad la sket.hehe
susah mmg susah
susah nk phm org
susah lg nk bg org phm kite
susah nk ckp pe y kite rase
susah lg nk bg org terima pe y kte ckp
susah nk sesuaikan diri
susah lg nk jd diri sendri
susah nk xam
susah lg nk strt study!!! aaaaaa
mari kawen?
umor2 cm ni,mmg terpikir..
rindu plak kt makcik amani..
oh study..malas jgkk =_='
gmbar tu,sunggOh nostalgik~ terharu..
haha.we shud be kn.kalo x tpikir pn psekitaran buatkn kte bpkir.
matila sokk xam tp msh xdok progress.
hehe. syamim. hehehe.
tak sangka zaman lab tiga2 tu dah berlalu..
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