how demam during holidays will affect u:
1.u cannot mkn bnyk2 during raya
2.ur parents hav 2 bwk u pg clinic ulang2 kali
3.u cannot keluar with kawan2
4.u kena makan bnyk ubat bnyk kali
5.u dapat risaukan sume org the end of holidays u realize u didnt get much of the cuti n u get lonely thinking bout it!!
waaaaaa nk balek msia semule!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1nice gile pic!!!!!jeles2..hahhaha..ble tgk btol2..bkn nye ko ad sepasang je 4 psg...hahaha...u kemba wif ur mom...hahhaha...nice2~~~btw background mne tu??
haha..2la psl.plg bst ayah pon join.2 kt umh my aunty..
take care asykin ..
btw, gmbar tu mmg nice.
family sungguh supporting.
best pic awards hehe OMG!
haha 2 x tgk pic melompat riang di hari raya lg.heh owh esok cons.malasnye....
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